
Will My Child’s Teeth Straighten Out as They Grow?

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Having permanent teeth come in crooked is a surprisingly common experience for children. As a parent, it’s easy to wonder if your child will need braces or if their teeth will straighten out as they grow. We answer that question here. Read on to learn more

When your child starts losing their baby teeth and those new permanent ones begin to emerge, you may notice that they come in crooked or crowded. Orthodontic treatments, such as braces and clear aligners, help cosmetically correct your child’s smile by realigning their teeth and jawbone. 

Are you wondering if your child is going to need orthodontic treatment?

Farid Hanachi, DDS, PA, here at Hanachi Orthodontics in Gastonia and Mooresville, North Carolina, wants you to understand how your child’s teeth develop and some signs to look for that may mean it’s time to consider orthodontic treatment.

Understanding childhood tooth development

When babies are just five weeks gestation in the womb, they’re already developing teeth in their jawbones. At birth, all their baby teeth and even some permanent teeth are fully formed and waiting to emerge just underneath the gums. Around six months old, baby teeth erupt through their gumline, and all baby teeth pop through by about age three. 

By the time your child is six, they should begin to lose their baby teeth to make way for permanent adult teeth. This process continues until all 20 baby teeth have been replaced by adult teeth, typically by age 14. Your child won’t have all 28-32 permanent teeth until ages 18-21. 

Around ages 8-9, children typically reach what’s referred to as the “ugly duckling” stage of dental development. This is when they have adult front teeth on both top and bottom, but the rest are still baby teeth. Those new front teeth typically come in crooked, crowded, or gapped until the rest of the baby teeth fall out. 

While it can be concerning to see your child’s teeth come in so awkwardly, in many cases, they’ll straighten out as the rest of their adult teeth develop.

Does your child need orthodontic treatment?

It’s never a bad idea to bring your child in for a consultation with Dr. Hanachi at either of our locations. He can take a thorough look at your child’s mouth and determine your best course of action. 

In the meantime, these are some key signs that your child will likely need orthodontic treatment:

  • Severely overcrowded or crooked teeth
  • Difficulty chewing or biting
  • Grinding their teeth
  • Their jaw clicks and pops
  • Their teeth and jaw are disproportionate to their facial shape

A common time for children and teens to get orthodontic treatment is between the ages of 9-14. If your child is around this age range and you notice any of these jaw or teeth concerns, schedule a visit with us for a comprehensive exam by calling our Gastonia or Mooresville, North Carolina, offices, or request an appointment online today.