If you’ve gotten the news that it’s time for your braces to come off, you’re probably thrilled that you finally get to show off your newly straightened smile. Even though all that metal will be gone from your mouth, the next step in your orthodontic treatment is wearing a retainer.
Braces use steady, gentle pressure to move your teeth, adjust your jaw, and retrain your mouth muscles. But even after your teeth have arrived at their new positions, they need some time to settle firmly into those places. So, to prevent your teeth from moving right back where they were originally, you need to wear a retainer.
Fortunately, retainers are much more convenient and easier to take care of than braces, but it doesn’t mean you need to be any less vigilant in caring for them.
Because of that, Farid Hanachi, DDS, PA, at Hanachi Orthodontics in Gastonia and Mooresville, North Carolina, wants you to know how to properly care for your retainer and why it’s so important.
Brushing your teeth regularly is incredibly important because doing so removes bacteria and plaque that can build up and wreak havoc on your oral health. Bacteria and plaque can lead to cavities, tooth decay, gum disease, and even tooth loss.
Because your retainer sits right up against your teeth, all that bacteria and plaque inside your mouth can form and harden on that orthodontic appliance as well. If you’re not cleaning your retainer regularly, every time you put your retainer on, it’s like applying a bacteria and plaque-filled solution directly to your teeth and gums.
Cleaning your retainer the right way is not only important for your oral health but also for the durability of your retainer. Here are some practical steps to follow for thorough and effective cleansing:
Avoid using regular toothpaste, hot water, bleach, or alcohol on your retainer, since this can damage or warp it. If you’re finding that some spots are difficult to clean, our team can recommend some professional cleaning solutions.
To learn more about proper retainer care, schedule an appointment with us by calling your nearest office location or using our online booking feature today.